Monday 16 December 2013


waxing is longer term solution for hair removal then plucking or threading although this is handy waxing is a lot more painful as instead of one or several hairs being pulled out at once nearly all the hair is removed with one wax strip. afterwards the skin around the eyebrows may be red and puffy for sometime so you have to plan around the time that you get your eyebrows done so make sure if your getting them done for a special occasion that you do this a few days in advance. there is also different types of wax to suit different skin types. there are few steps you need to go through before attempting to wax or get your eyebrows waxed to get perfect results. like making sure any dirt oil or makeup is a removed from around the eyebrow. decide what shape you want your eyebrows to be and locate what hair needs to go and what needs to stay. heat wax to recommended temperature to avoid sticky or too hot wax. then perfect a waxing technique and your good to go

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